Sunday, September 22, 2013 was a very productive day. We filmed two important scenes which required special makeup work, one an interior day scene and the other an exterior night scene. We shot both multiple times until we were satisfied, while actors Jimi Bommarito and Lisa Douglas, the “victims” of the makup jobs, practiced their craft with skill and good humor.
We began the day in Jackson, and concentrated on interior scenes only from 10:00 AM to about 6:20 PM, then took a short break before resuming in Parma after 7:00 PM. The Parma shoot consisted of only one scene, but we required angles on actors that began the scene a good distance from each other spatially. In the trailer these scenes will probably take up a few seconds, but we didn't finish in Parma until after 10:00 PM.
Left to right: Brian G. Walsh studies the position of the actors while Brian Greenway adjusts the tripod and actor Lisa Douglas prepares for the scene.The cast and crew were great, as usual, and were primarily concerned with getting the shots right and making sure everyone was safe before proceeding. Only one more full day of filming for the trailer remains, Sunday, September 29, scheduled to shoot in Napoleon. Then it's on to the process of editing.
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